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A Gentle Reminder from the Dentist

Avoid snacks and drinks containing sugars, and fizzy drinks. Also, sticky and hard foods may damage your brace.Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day. Use a mouthwash if you need to. Your dental team may recommend a stronger fluoride toothpaste, or perhaps a fluoride gel or mouthrinse, for you to use.

Orthodontic treatment/Braces

What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and how they work. It can also help to look after the long-term health of your teeth, gums and jaw joints, by spreading the biting pressure over all your teeth.


Pit and Fissure Sealant

Dental sealants are dental treatment intended to prevent tooth decay. Teeth have recesses on their biting surfaces; the back teeth have fissures (grooves) and some front teeth havecingulum pits. It is these pits and fissures which are most vulnerable to tooth decay, partly because food sticks in them and they are hard to clean areas.

Tooth Extraction

A dental extraction is the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus/socket in the alveolar bone. Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons, but most commonly to remove teeth which have become unrestorable through tooth decay, periodontal disease or dental trauma, especially when they are associated with toothache.

Permanent Restoration/Tooth Filling

A dental restoration is also called a filling. It is the repair of a damaged or decayed tooth, restoring it back to its normal shape, appearance and function.

Flouride Treatment

Fluoride therapy is the delivery of fluoride to the teeth, topically or systemically, to protect them from dental caries (cavities).

Oral Prophylaxis/ Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygieneand involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

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